Wednesday, September 03, 2008

He's Been Waiting a Year

Well Jeffrey's been waiting a year to go to pre-school and yesterday he finally got his wish. He had his first day at pre-school and was super excited. Ever since we started taking Erin to school last fall he's been wanting to stay there. He loved when I let him go to 'camp' over the summer. For the past 2 months he's been telling EVERYONE that "I'm going to pre-school". And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Grandma over the phone. Noni. His friends at church. His "teachers" at mommy's gym. Strange women at the grocery store. To say he was a little excited would be the understatement of the century.

Back in August Jeffrey picked out a new backpack (Cars of course) for school. They had orientation last week where he met a few of his classmates. He's going to the same school Erin went to last year, so he was pretty comfortable with the atmosphere. He knew where all the cool toys are, where mats for circle time are kept. He had a bit of a foot up when he got there.

We had a nice morning breakfast together after dropping Erin off to the school bus. He wanted oatmeal and gobbled it down. He got dressed without a fight - something I'm truly grateful for. We had snack for the week and brought "bear cookies" (Teddy Grahams), Cheeze-its, a bag of mixed fruit, strawberries and some juice.

Once we got there I lost him right away. He ran off to find his cubbie, play with toys, find his name on the table etc... He just felt right at home - and that's exactly what I expected from him. When I left, he was finding a space on the carpet sitting calmly and waiting for circle time to start.

I picked him up and he was excited to tell me about the day. First important thing - snack of bear cookies. Second important thing - playground time. Third item - painting (something we don't do a lot of at home). The did a project with the kids' hand prints and a poem about his first day of school which has a proud home on the refrigerator. He was devastated to have to go home, very sad that he would miss all his friends. I'm sure he'll be super excited to get back tomorrow.

Now.....what am I going to do with all MY free time?????

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