Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A Look Back at 2008

Just thought this might be fun to do. Here's a look back at some of the things we did and some of our favorite things from 2008.

From Meg's Mommy Journal
Christmas 2007

From Meg's Mommy Journal

Christmas 2008

Basic Stats: This is the year that little brother broke the "little" title and out-grew his big sister. At their mid-year check up he was 35 lbs and she weighed in at a whopping 32. But in June she measured 42" and he 41". Now I'm afraid even that has changed. It appears he's got a good 1/2" on her in height now.

Starting Schools: Erin started Kindergarten in August and Jeffrey started 2-day preschool in September. Both are having a blast at school.

Places we went: Memphis with Noni and mommy. We liked the zoo there the best. To New York for Uncle Jonathan's graduation. To Pennsylvania with mommy and daddy for our very first family (just the 4 of us) vacation. We had a super fun time at Hershey Park -- locally referred to as "Chocolate World". To the New Jersey shore with all of daddy's family. The kids decided that a week at the beach was an awesome time. To Maryland a few times to visit Noni, Grandpa, Oma and Uncle Jon.

Our favorite movies: 2008 was the year of The Incredibles, Madagascar (the Move It Move It Movie), and Annie. As for movies at the theater Wall*E takes the cake. And now that it's out on DVD it's a staple here at home too.

Our favorite things to do around home: Erin continued to love going to gymnastics and being in the plays. This year she was a street girl in Annie and an angel in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Jeffrey discovered a LOVE of swimming over the summer and couldn't get enough of the water. He also loves going to the gym with mommy and playing with all his friends there. Both kids like playing the Wii. Erin's mastered several of the games including bowling, mini-golf, tennis and cow racing. Jeffrey's slowing picking things up but enjoyed race car driving until the game broke. This was also the year that the kids really got into helping in the kitchen. Both kids especially love making bread with daddy as well as making cookies and even helping with dinners.

2008 Firsts: First time camping. First time bowling. First time for Jeffrey to ride a roller coaster. First days of school. First time seeing the Mississippi River. First summer spent playing on the deck. First time Erin read a book to mommy. First time Jeffrey traced his name. First soccer game. First field trip for Jeffrey.

Favorite Toys: Erin still loves her Little Pet Shop toys as well as her tea party sets, stuffed animals and magnet dress up dolls. Jeffrey goes nuts over anything with wheels, especially Cars cars, his Diego truck, his train set, and still loves playing with his Little People.

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