Saturday, January 17, 2009

King Boo Jr.

Does anyone remember this post?

He Was A Tree Cutter

I still get a laugh out of reading it.

A few weeks ago, at a Worship Committee meeting, someone brought up the point that kids don't know why they are getting a day off from school. It just happens. I nodded my head in agreement, but added that I felt Erin's teacher was doing a really good job incorporating history into their daily lessons. Learning about money? Then talk about Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson when you learn about the penny and the nickel. Kinda cool.

I know that Martin Luther King Jr. is on the kindergarten SOL (standards of learning here in VA) so the kids are taught about him - generally around his birthday. So, I asked Erin if she had school on Monday (knowing well enough that she didn't but wanted to see what she'd say).

"Hey Erin, do you have school Monday?"

"Huh? Oh. No."

"Why not?"

"We're celebrating something."


"Yeah. Some guy's birthday. King Boo I think." (for those of you who are not Super Mario fans.....King Boo is a character from a video game.)

"Oooooh. King Boo huh?"

"Yeah, or Junior something."

(trying very hard to control my laughter)"OK Junior something. Why are we celebrating this King Jr.'s birthday? You don't get the day off school on daddy's birthday or mommy's birthday."

"I don't know mommy. Can I go play now?" (clearly finished with this silly conversation)

"Yes dear, you can go play now."

Anyway, the weekly report from the teacher said that this week they were talking about public safety -- got to meet a real police man and everything -- and that next week the topic of Martin Luther King Jr. will be discussed. I have every faith that they will, but for this weekend, there's no school on Monday because it's King Boo Jr's Birthday (or something) and who knows why that's such a big deal.

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