Monday, August 24, 2009

First Grade

Erin headed off to first grade this morning. After our long weekend, we'll see how she's doing when she gets home. But she was up when I asked, ate her whole breakfast - without fussing even, and got dressed without complaining. She asked for soup for lunch (I think because she really wanted to use her new thermos) so she got soup, grapes, pretzels and a Reeses mini cup. As well as a note from mommy packed in her lunch box.

She was all excited to ride the bus because that's where she's going to get the chance to see her friend Brandon. They aren't in the same class this year, but will get to see each other at recess and on the bus. We headed out about the same time we'd leave last year. When we got to the bus stop I went to get Erin out of the car and she screamed....."Mommy!!! We missed the bus!!!" I looked up the road, and yes, we had missed the bus. By about 30 seconds. There it was. 100 yards up the road picking up the people at the next stop.

The poor girl just lost it. She melted into a pool of tears. I made her miss the bus. I explained that she wouldn't miss school. I would drive her and Mr. Burks (the gym teacher) would help her out of the car. I did make her get out of the van and stand by the road so I could take her picture, pretending that we were waiting for the bus. As you can see, she just couldn't hide the tears.

By the time we got to school, we'd agreed that I would walk her into class. That seemed to help even things out some. We made sure she would be able to ride the bus home today. Walked to the cafeteria where all the kids were sitting in lines on the floor. Mrs. Morris came by and gave her a big welcome as well as her very own First Grade name tag.

I haven't heard anything else so I assume that the rest of the day has gone OK. This will be a busy year. A lot more work than Kindergarten seemed to be. They don't get snack, only have one recess and one Encore period (music, P.E., computers, art...) a day as opposed to two last year. I expect she'll be pretty tired for the first week or so, but will eventually get into the swing of things.

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