Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's Official - he's growing up

I registered Jeffrey for Kindergarten today.  One of our friends commented on Facebook that she remembers when he was smaller than a puppy.  Yep.  Honestly sometimes it feels like that could have just been yesterday.  Other days I struggle to remember the little bald guy army crawling across the floor trying to grab Drake's tail.

He's been "ready" for Kindergarten for a while.  Since it's at the same school Erin goes to, the building and people are familiar to him.  So when we showed up to register for school there was no awkwardness.  He just walked right in.  While I filled out the bazillion forms and wrote out his entire name maybe 25 times he scoped out the scene in the cafeteria.  As I was finalizing the papers with one of the administrators, Erin's kindergarten teacher tapped me on the shoulder.

"I've got Jeffrey.  We'll be back in a few."

Off he hopped, holding on to Miss. S's hand.  A few minutes later she came back to get me.  I'd had some fears that he would try and show off by being silly with her.  He'd try and tell her purple was orange because -- hey wouldn't that be funny?  Apparently not.  He chose showing off by acing every question she asked, and even sounded out a few words for her.  We got a few minutes to talk about his learning style - that he responds so well to positive reinforcement.  And how he can shut down if he feels he's disappointed someone.  She raved about him.  Said he's definitely ready for school.  We're crossing our fingers that she's still going to be at the school next year, because she'd be the best teacher for him. 

I really am amazed at how much he's grown in the last year.  He loves reading and is willing to sound out words.  He gets excited about learning.  My little army crawling guy will be heading off to Kindergarten in just a few short months.  Sniff Sniff.

Oh yeah, and by the way.  He's officially taller than his 1st grade sister.  And towered over most of the kids at registration too.  So growing up physically too!!

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