Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Dear Jeffrey,

Happy Birthday Big Guy.

I still am having a hard time processing the fact that today you’re five. Such a big boy now. Somehow it seems that just yesterday you were my little baby. Snuggled up with your paci in your crib or smiling at us with those ever changing eyes. But at the same time those days feel so long ago. You’ve grown up into such an amazing little boy. You love to run and play. Your imagination turns boxes into spaceships. You talk to the birds and the clouds. You try sounding out words and doing sister’s math homework. You can tell me what part of what movie your favorite song is from when you hear it on the radio.

You are a remarkable little man. So special. You know when someone needs a hug or a snuggle. You still give the best kisses ever. You’re sensitive and hate it when you feel like you’ve let someone down or done something wrong. Let me tell you. You never let me down. I may not like it when you draw on the walls or hit your sister, but I will always give you goodnight kisses and tuck you in at night.

Did you know that every night I sneak into your room? I fix your covers. I pick blankie off the floor. Sometimes I need to put you back into the middle of your bed, because you’re almost falling out. I give you a kiss on the forehead and tell you I love you.

I can’t believe that in August you’ll be hopping onto the school bus with your sister. I’m pretty sure you’re going to love it. You’re definitely ready. I just hope that you don’t lose that sweetness inside of you that makes you so special.

Until then we’ll have a super fun summer. We’ll go swimming because it’s your favorite thing to do. You want to go bowling and play mini golf…we’ll do that too.

We will visit your Noni and Grandpa and Oma and see the museums and ride the carousel. We’ll see Grandma and Grandpa and swim in their pool. We’ll go see Uncle Jeff and Aunt Robyn, Rylie and Avery and play princesses until you can’t take it any more. You can build a train set with your Cousin Will when we stay with Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill. And Uncle Jonathan will scoop you up and fly you around when we see him. You have an awesome family that loves you so much.

So remember today is your special day. You were born on 5/5/05 so 5 is your lucky number. It’s going to be an amazing year.


Julia said...


Katie said...

Happy 5th Birthday Jeffrey! We love you and miss you lots! We hope you have a wonderful day!!
Aunt Katie, Uncle Bill, Will, and "Bean"