Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Dear Girl

My sweet little girl.  I can get away with calling you little because you're still tiny.  But not the shortest kid in class, you made sure I knew that after picture day.  I can't believe you're 7 years old today.  You've grown up so much in the past year.  You aren't my baby girl any more.  You are becoming a young woman.  A strong, beautiful young woman.

You LOVE being in plays and being on stage.  You used to want me to always be on stage with you.  To hold your hand.  Now, you give me a smile as you run off down the hallway to put your own costume on.  You don't need me to remind you when to go on, or what to say.  You've got that down.  Sometimes you need to remind me what's going on.

Gone are the days of listening to nursery rhymes and Disney songs on the CD player.  You'd rather listen to Adam Lambert or to the Wicked music.  You know every word to Fireflies (your current favorite song) and can sing the entire Scarecrow song from Wizard of Oz.

You're becoming so brave and independent.  You want to ride the biggest roller coaster you see.  Going to the bathroom by yourself at the restaurant is so important to you.  I still make sure I can see the door and worry about you if you've been gone too long.  Last year at the pool, you were afraid to get your face wet.  Now you're working on diving into the deep end and swimming an entire lap.  You want to go after that soccer ball, even if it means tripping and falling down.  And now at bedtime you have to read mommy a story (as well as listening to mommy read one) too.

But you're still my little girl.  You make sure that every night I turn on the hall light, turn on the music (the CD you listened to the week you were born), and check on you.  And I do.  I check on you every night.  You're usually snuggled up with mommy's old Pooh bear or one of your Webkinz.  Some nights when your forehead hurts you come into mommy's room so I can snuggle you.  I rub your back and hold you close.  I know there aren't too many days like that ahead of us.

So don't be afraid to grow up.  Don't worry about trying new things.  We've learned this year that new things like swimming and reading chapter books can be so much fun!!!  But don't leave the little girl behind.  Keep snuggling with your bear and making up fancy stories with your Pets.

And remember most of all.  Whenever you need your mommy, I'm right there with a hug or snuggle or to help you with your spelling and reading.    Or just there to say I love you. 

1 comment:

Julia said...