Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sneaky Sneaky

As you might have suspected Jeffrey loves his DS.  If you don't know what that is, it's a new-fangled Game Boy.  He's got 3 games (Super Mario Bros, Star Wars, and Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs) of his own as well as some of Erin's games.  So I've been very careful to limit his DS time.  And generally he's pretty good about listening to me, asking before playing it, and handing it over when his time is up.

Today we entered into the phase of sneaking the DS.  I don't remember if Erin did this as well.  I don't really think so. 

Jeff brought his DS in the car on our trip to the gym so I explained that would be his DS time for the day.  When we got home, he tried to play some more, so I took it and put it up for a while.  After lunch he had his regular quiet time (after reading a few pages of Goldbug book).  I was busy doing some work on the computer for Erin's Girl Scout troop when he popped downstairs.

"Music is done mommy" (we use a CD to time quiet time)
"OK, well go play for a bit."  I could hear him playing with his Star Wars guys in the living room.  I went upstairs to start some dinner in the slow cooker.  He asked to play Connect4 and I told him, in a few minutes. 
"OK.  I'm going to play in my room."
"OK bud."
I finished the dinner and went to check on him.  He was sitting in his chair reading some books. 
"Wanna play your game now Jeff?"
"Nope.  I just want to be in my room."

Figuring he was still tired I went back down and did some more computer work.  I checked on him again and got the same answer.  This time I stayed upstairs starting some laundry.  A bit later I poked my head in again, wondering if maybe he'd fallen asleep.  I was ready to praise him for playing so nicely in his room and set to offer to play a board game again.  There was a lump under his covers.  I tiptoed over to him and tossed back the covers.

There he was.  Huddled up with Erin's DS.  Seems he'd been playing it the whole time.  When he was in his chair he could hear me coming and would close the game and drop it into a pocket.  The loud laundry machine did him in.  He didn't hear me coming. 

Needless to say, I immediately took it from him.  Looked him square in the eye and said -- "NO DS for you.  2 days"  (yes I sounded like the Soup Nazi).  I was furious with him, and furious with myself for letting him get away with it.  I should have known, he never plays quietly like that. 

So 2 days and no DS.  Wonder what he's going to sneak off with tomorrow...

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