Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Christmas Time

We had just a wonderful Christmas this year -- as we always do (even last year when we were all gifted with a rotovirus).  We decided that we'd spend the holiday at Noni and Grandpa Donuts' house since we've never actually been there on Christmas morning.  We've celebrated together before, but generally they come down here.  It was really fun for Noni and Grandpa and Oma to have everyone at their house.  They even have a real chimney for Santa!!

Since we were going to be leaving for NY to celebrate Witney's baptism before heading home we decided to open gifts from the Wallace clan before leaving for DC.  Just to minimize the number of presents we'd need to bring along.  The kids had a great time opening their special gifts from their family.  Jeff hit the Leggo and Star Wars jackpot.  Erin got some awesome Pet Shop stuff,  a fancy Tinkerbell nightgown and some crafts. 

The stars of the show were their long-awaited Pillow Pets from Grandma.  They "placed their order" for pillow pets from Grandma in July.  Every time we'd see them in the store or advertised on TV, Erin would explain.  "I don't need to ask Santa for one of those, because Grandma is already getting me one."  So just to get their goats, Tom held them for the very last present to be opened.  Didn't matter.  Immediate Love.  Erin's got a unicorn and Jeffrey a turtle. 

We arrived Christmas Eve and all made pizzas together.  The kids played with Oma while the adults (minus Oma) sat and talked for a while.  Then we built a fire, cracked out the egg nog and read some stories before bed.  The kids were excited to leave cookies and milk (and egg nog) for Santa.  It was just a wonderfully evening.

Christmas morning, Erin ran upstairs from Oma's room to check on Santa's visit.  We heard her thumping back down the stairs shouting at Oma, "Santa Came, Santa Came!"  No visit to let mom and dad know.  When we checked in with Jeffrey he was watching a movie with Grandpa D.  He'd not even checked on Santa, and wasn't that excited about doing so (too engrossed in How To Train Your Dragon).  Eventually they meandered into the living room to discover that Santa had indeed arrived, and brought a New Sled!  He even left footprints in the soot at the fireplace.

The rest of the morning was spent wonderfully opening presents together.  Paper flew around.  Shouts and shrieks were heard.  Hugs and thank yous were given.  Jeffrey and Erin both ended up with a pile of wonderful books, hiking backpacks, games, Star Wars Toys, stuffed animals, musical instruments etc...  Couldn't have asked for a better day.

We spent the afternoon and evening putting together an AT-AT, building leggos, playing games, making music and reading stories. Just perfect. 

1 comment:

Branden said...

I can't tell you how pleased I am that your children get Legos and Star Wars toys for Christmas :) I'm jealous!