Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Ice Queen

It's no secret.  I love figure skating.  Have since about 1984 when I clearly remember watching Scotty Hamilton skate in the Olympics.  By 1988 I was obsessed with figure skating and in 1992 it was bordering on out of control.  I recorded almost every competition I could find on VHS (AND I still have them).  My locker was not covered with NKOTB but Paul Wylie, Brian Boitano and even the random Nancy Kerrigan.

In college I coerced Tom into attending Stars on Ice with me, not once, but TWICE.

But as I grew up and older, I lost some of the passion.  I've gotten out of the habit of watching Nationals and Worlds religiously.  Until last year, at the Olympics when I decided it was time to introduce Erin to figure skating.  She was immediately hooked.  Enjoyed the pairs and dance more than singles because "There are 2 people mommy."  Interesting thought.

So last night, after returning from (in her words) "The Best Birthday Party Ever" we tuned in to the Ladies' National finals.  And Erin proceeded to skate across the basement along with every skater.  She'd jump and spin and hold her leg out just right.  Might have been the cutest thing ever.  She laughed at Scott Hamilton's commentary "Beeeeeeautiful" she'd giggle.  And she watched the last batch of skaters, just like mommy does.  With her hands half covering her eyes as each girl approached a jump.  I let her stay up much later than I usually would.  But it was entirely worth it.  She's hooked.  Can't wait to watch "the boys" this afternoon. 

1 comment:

Tom said...

It was very cute to watch her do that and precious that she shares an interest with her Mom. I have a funny feeling I will be going to more Stars On Ice in the future . . .