Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2nd Grade Concert

The 2nd grade at the kids' school has been working on a special concert for several months.  It was originally scheduled for December, then moved to January and finally they held it last night.  It was very clear that all the kids had worked really hard on the concert.  They did a great job.

Erin was one of 3 students asked to do a reading at the concert.  She had to introduce the final selection of songs and invite the crowd to sing along at the end.  It was adorably cute.  Of course, speaking in front of the group of parents was no big deal for Erin.  She only got mad at herself because she stumbled over the word "introduction".  I tried to tell her that no one noticed.  It was also very cute that she said "Renaissance Festival" instead of Renaissance song.  The cute song got upgraded to an entire festival.  Wonder why Renaissance Festival came to the fore-front?

Several of the songs had hand movements, and one was actual ASL.  That was her favorite song, and the managed the ASL very well.

We had great seats, and ended up right in front of Erin, who smiled at us through most of the concert.  Just a super fun night.  So proud of all the kids!!  Here's one final clip of the "Donkey Song" (not sure what the real title is, but in our house it's the Donkey Song).

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