Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Freedom of Childhood

OK, let me set the stage for some amazingly adorable (yet slightly disturbing) events here at the household this evening.  Due to some unexpected snow and ice last night, school was closed today.  We had a total of 1/4" but since we're at the base of the mountains, and part of the county runs into the mountains -- better safe than sorry I guess.  Mr. Jeffrey had been a major grumpus all day.  By afternoon, things had cleared and we were able to get out to his swimming lesson.

When we got home, Tom was cooking and listening to some bluesy-rock.  We all chatted for a few minutes, kids went to their rooms to play, I went to the basement to check something on the computer.

Jeff comes down the stairs to the basement.  He's moving and grooving.  First off, this boy HATES to dance, unless it's on his own terms.  But apparently he was feeling the blues.  I look up from computer.

M - "Jeff, why aren't you wearing any pants?"
J - "Because I'm dancing.  And my pants are dancing with me."  He proceeded to dance his way back upstairs.

I follow him in a few minutes.  I find him in the middle of the living room, gyrating his hips -- wearing only his underwear.  Clearly he was really feeling it.  I sneak into the kitchen and point it out to Tom who simply shakes his head.  I watch for a few seconds and then do what all mom's would do.

I whip out the iPhone and start videoing the most adorable Buzz Lightyear-clad tooshie in the universe.  Jeff continues to dance and swing his hips around.  He's really putting on a show now.  It's taking me a lot NOT to post this adorable video, but for the sake of all our sanity I think I'll keep it secured here for blackmail use later.  If you ever visit, I can certainly show you though ;)

I turn my back to show Tom the video and hear Jeff shout -- "Look I'm naked!!"

And he was.  I simply fell onto the floor laughing.  He's swaying his hips and his little nakedness is just flowing in the wind.  There were literally tears in my eyes.  Butt naked.  Dancing to the blues. Happy as can be.  Happiest he's been all day (except maybe the hour he was in the pool).

Sure my reaction egged him on.  And we'll definitely have to talk before school tomorrow to ensure that all clothing remains on his body.  Still the pure joy of his being naked and dancing will be a moment I'll savor forever.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I love it!! Brought tears to my eyes :)