Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Flower Children

One of my favorite parts of spring are the flowers.  A few years ago I planted daffodils and tulips in the yard.  Daffodils have always been my favorite flower.  There's just something so "sunshiny" about them, I can't help but smile.  Both the kids love to go searching the yard for the first signs of the daffodils.  This year they were a little later than usual because of all the snow.  And then they didn't last very long because we had a really hot week.  C'est la vie.

You can see 4 little tips of daffodils trying to poke out of the snow in February.

Jeffrey hasn't been much into flower pictures this year.  He just doesn't have the patience to sit and wait while mommy takes way too many silly pictures.  He was willing to sit for a few though.  I've tried every year to take at least one or two pictures of the kids sitting in the daffodils.  They're linked here.




Apparently I didn't put up any from last year.  Let's see. . .

And here are some cute shots of the kids enjoying our flowers this year.

Don't you just love this last one?  That's my goofball at his finest. 

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