Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Activities

We had a week full of Easter activities here. Several egg hunts, and some other programs going on. The kids LOVED each of the hunts and had a blast filling their baskets with eggs. Jeffrey was able to get into it much more this year than last year.

Our first hunt was at the local community park and soccer field. It was a warm but cloudy day. Jeffrey was a little unsure of what was going on, but he quickly got into it. They set it up more as an "egg rush" than a hunt. All the little kids went at one time. They took a circle on a field, dumped two HUGE boxes of eggs into it. The leaders took a step back and the herd was released. Kids rushed into the circle and filled their baskets with as many eggs as they could. Erin was a little more careful. And she wanted to show me each egg as she picked it up. So rather than put it into her basket she'd scan the area, pick one out and run back to me to show me. They found eggs filled with lots of little toys which Erin has had a blast playing with....and are scattered around my house now.

On Thursday we had Story Time at the library. Each year they set up an egg hunt to follow the stories. This is probably my favorite of the hunts. Our library shares a facility with a senior day care center. Often the seniors come and sit for the story time. Mostly they just love being around the children. At Easter, they prepare the egg hunt in their wing of the building. The kids run around the senior center hunting eggs in every little corner. And the looks on the seniors faces as the children squeal at every found egg is enough to brighten my week. Both the kids quickly found their allotment of 5 eggs. Erin ended up with a few pieces of candy, a snap bracelet and an additional bouncy ball. Jeffrey found much the same.

On Saturday morning we were supposed to go to another hunt. Erin went to bed all excited about going into town to "find more eggs". When I went to bed Friday night I could hear it raining.....when I woke up we found this...... we decided to bail on that hunt.

With one more hunt scheduled for Church and eggs to find at home, the kids ended the week all egged out.

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