Monday, April 23, 2007

Garden Time

Finally it seems like it's going to stay warm here. We took advantage of the weather this weekend to get the garden going. With both kids getting older it was more fun for them. Erin helped to pick out flowers at the Garden Center. Then she and Jeffrey carried leaves (that we had used a mulch over the winter) away from the garden. Watching them try to walk up the hill with armfuls of leaves was hilarious. They were tripping and falling and trying desperately to hold onto all the leaves. Inevitably more leaves ended up on the ground just outside of the garden area than actually in the woods 30 feet away.

Both kids liked helping to plant the beans. Tom made rows and gave Erin and Jeff seeds to plant in them. Erin gently took hers and put them in the row. Jeffrey preferred the "sowing" method of throwing all his bean seeds around the garden. We eventually got him to understand where they were supposed to go and he put a few into the rows.

After lunch Tom and I put the flowers and herbs into the planters. When Erin woke up we were just beginning to work on Tom's hop plants - yes that's hops as in beer making hops. Erin helped to dig the holes and stir up the dirt inside. She even planted one of the rhizomes. Then she and Tom went down to the rock pile and picked out some nice stones to surround the hops.

Erin's favorite part of the day was yet to come though. Watering time. We have acquired a new hose that actually reaches the garden this year....with a cool sprayer on it. Erin helped to water all the plants in the garden and then got to run through the sprayer. Now all she wants to do every day is water the plants so she can run in the water.

So we'll see what the summer brings for the garden, but the fun of putting it all in was completely worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Charley Brown for some reason, all the shots are just legs of the adults and you end up with is Kids. Sounds like a lot of fun, and a good change from being cooped up in-doors.
Since my backyard is rock lined by fence that separates my "land" from that of my neighbor it's different to see space for a garden.