Tuesday, June 05, 2007


....we left the house in big boy undies. We took our first trip out of the house in big boy undies today. He's been doing very well for me the past few weeks. He doesn't yet tell me when he has to go, but seems to understand that when I take him to the bathroom he needs to try to go potty. I've been able to stretch our trips out to almost 2 hours apart which is great. Then I'm guaranteed he'll go within the first few minutes. He's been pooping in his pull-up at naptime so the pooping is still being worked on, but he hasn't had any poopy accidents in his undies.

So today we took the plunge, and went to the tax office (car tax day) and then the park for about 30 minutes. We were gone about an hour and he stayed dry the whole time. Yipeeeee. I'm not sure we're ready for big trips without the pull-ups but am certainly excited to know that we're making major progress here on the potty front.

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