Sunday, May 31, 2009

Knock Knock

Here is the full collection of jokes that the kids like to tell. I'm fully aware that this really is the full list because we spent 8 hours in the car/restaurants today and I heard them all. Again, and again, and again.

Erin: Hey Mommy, want to hear a joke?
Mommy: Sure honey.

E: Knock Knock
M: Who's there?
E: Boo
M: Boo who?
E: long pause to remember the rest of the joke....."Don't cry, it's only me."

E: Wanna hear another one?
M: Sure
E: Knock Knock
M: Who's there?
E: Banana
M: (oh dear....not THIS one) Banana who?
E: Knock Knock
M: Who's There?
E: 3 more times. FINALLY
E: Knock Knock.
M: Who's there?
E: Orange?
M: Orange who?
E: Orange you glad I didn't say banana again? Ha Ha Ha!!!! I'm so funny!!!!

Now Jeff feels the need to get in on the mix.
J: Hey Mommy!!!! Knock Knock.
M: Who's there?
J: Cars.
M: Cars who?
J: Just cars. (clearly he doesn't really get the idea)

E: My turn again mommy!!!!! Knock Knock.
M: Who's there?
E: Orange?
M: Orange who?
E: Knock Knock
M: Who's there?
E: Orange.
M: Orange who?
E: Knock Knock
M: Who's there?
E: Strawberry!!!
M: Strawberry who?
E: Strawberry you glad I didn't say orange again?

Clearly she doesn't really get the jokes either.

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