Monday, June 08, 2009

Boy meets wasp

Unfortunately Jeffrey had his first run-in with a wasp yesterday. We always have had wasps around the house. Might be something to do with the yellow siding, might have something to do with the deck, who knows. What I do know, is that Jeffrey got too close to one who was building a nest and it retaliated.

There was some mighty screaming and it took us a few minutes to get him to tell us where it stung him. Finally he was able to explain that he got stung on the lip. We would have figured it out within a minute or two as his lip swelled up to about 4 times regular size. I quickly got him a freezer pop (glad Tom bought some that morning) to numb the sting. Then gave him some Motrin to hopefully help the swelling and made a baking soda paste to put on his lip. Poor kiddo was miserable. He still wanted to come to auditions for the summer show though (and after he felt better he even insisted on singing for the director).

Since it swelled up so badly we are going to watch him pretty closely for any other stings. A few parents mentioned that allergies often start with a slower reaction and can build in the future. He has a doctor's appointment on Friday so I'll mention it at that point.

He's much better today. Poor kiddo.

Regular Picture

Stage One

A Few Minutes Later

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