Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Status Update

Jeffrey finally had his annual physical last week (yeah I know his birthday was over a month ago but combine busy doctors with stupid insurance people and well...you know). Our pediatrician does the big Kindergarten physical at 4 instead of 5 because often the kids are 4 when you register them for school. At least with Jeff I was prepared, poor Erin got surprised that she needed 4 shots when I thought she didn't need any.

Basic stats: Weight - 37.5 lbs -- yep that's 3 pounds heavier than his sister. Height - 43" -- yep that's the same height. No wonder people keep asking if they are twins.

The Dr. gave him a good bill of health. The hearing and vision tests went off without a hitch. We talked about the wasp sting (of course I forgot the camera so I had to describe it). We're going to watch Jeff pretty closely, but because it was a wasp, there's no history of allergies to stings in immediate family, and the swelling dropped after a few hours he didn't seem to think we needed to run out and buy an epi. pen.

We did discover that Jeffrey does have a skin condition called Mollescum Comtagiosum. These are the small bumps that he gets on his back, and now his neck, that have gotten infected a few times. We've now got an $80 cream to put on them. Hopefully that will last us for the next few millennium. His body should start fighting off the virus in the next few months and we won't see them any more.

Jeff also had to get 4 shots as menioned above. The Dr's office has this procedure down to a science. It takes 2 nurses, 1 care-giver/mom, 1 blankie and about 15 seconds to get all 4 shots in. He was very good. He did shout and scream, but didn't carry on too long. And for that the nurse rewarded him with 5 stickers, 1 book, 2 pencils and a toothbrush. Pretty sweet deal if I might say so.

So that's it for another year. Hopefully no visits are needed between (this year I think we only went in once...if that). That is unless he gets stung by another wasp and we discover that he IS allergic to them.

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