Sunday, June 14, 2009

End of School Year Fun

As we reached the end of Erin's school year the first few days of June, there were lots of fun activities. The kids had a special field trip to a big wooden playground (knows as Kids Castle). Although the day was chilly and dreary they still had a ton of fun playing around. Erin also got to participate in her first Field Day. Jeffrey and I went to watch the games at Field Day and it was so much fun to see the kids playing. They had a dance party where one of the teachers taught them some silly dances and also just let them dance around the cafeteria. The PE teachers led a class vs. class tug-of-war. Watching 5 and 6 year olds at tug of war is hilarious. Finally one of the teachers organized a bunch of relay races, most involving water. This was Erin's favorite part of the day. She got totally soaked - which was the whole point. I also found much humor in the teacher's "release" during the water relays. I think the teachers were doing just as much soaking (including dousing the principal) as the students were.

So here are a few pictures from her field trip and then Field Day.

With her best friend Brandon

Carrying a "boiling" chicken in the relay races

She's the orange shirt in the middle of the to the blond girl in the yellow shirt.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Congrats on being done with Kindergarten! What a big girl you are Erin. It sounds like you had a lot of fun at the end of the year festivities. We love you and miss you guys lots and can't wait to see you in about a month!!

Aunt Katie, Uncle Bill, and Will