Tuesday, September 13, 2005

4-month Stats

After a screw-up on the part of the people at the doctor's office (they never actually scheduled his appointment in the computer) I was able to get in to have Jeffrey's 4-month check-up today. We weren't able to see Dr. Quillian (she was on vacation, why they would have originally scheduled me for a day she was on vacation, I have no idea). We saw a fill-in Dr. who was nice, but not Dr. Q. She said Jeff looks great and is right along track for everything. Technically he's outgrown his carrier seat - by length not weight. We used Erin in her's long after she outgrew it's length, but it might be time to think about getting him a traditional seat - he's growing so fast and getting heavy to carry around in the seat. It's just sooo convenient.

Here are his stats:
Height - 26.5" -- 90-95%
Weight - 15 lbs 2 ozs -- 50%

Compared to Erin at 4 months who was
Height - 25.5"
Weight - 13 lbs 11 ozs

Looks like he might outgrow his big sister before she know's it.

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