Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen.......

We have a tooth (it's true we all do). But most importantly Jeffrey has a tooth. It first broke through a little over a week ago and now it's a full-fledged tooth. Let me tell you, no one here is happy about it. He is a much crankier teether than Erin was. He's also been trying it out on me - OUCH. He goes through some periods where he just fusses and screams, mostly in the evening or afternoon. It makes for some long days especially that Tom has been traveling more lately.

It also appears that he's got his first cold to accompany the tooth. So he's also struggling with that. There are still moments where I get the big, now toothy, smiles but they are a little less frequent right now :(

Jeffrey has also moved on from rice cereal to squash. He LOVES it. He can't seem to get enough of it. When I was feeding him in squash last night he would scream every time I took the spoon out of his mouth. He opened up for more as soon as he saw the spoon again. I noticed he was also sucking on the spoon when it was in his mouth. I think maybe, he thought that there was an endless supply of squash on the spoon (like mommy has an endless supply of milk for him). When I took the spoon away he didn't realize it would come back with more. I could be way off base here, but that's what it seemed like to me.

Unfortunately the solid/pureed food has not helped the spitting up. He certainly is spitting up less than he was, but still spits. Now the spits are tainted with rice or squash, making them much messier than before. Hopefully this will not continue into our attempts with peas - yuck.

That's the latest on Jeffrey. Erin's still wild and crazy and talking up a storm. The potty is getting much better, I'd say we are about 95% trained for the pees and 70% on the poops. She gets very excited every morning to pick out her special panties (Nemo are her favorite right now).

Hope you all are enjoying reading about our adventures in childhood. Also something I noticed accidentally the other day. If you click on one of the pictures in the blog it will bring up a bigger version of the picture. Makes the ones at the park a little easier to see.

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