Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Lessons of the last week

Wow - we've learned so many lessons around here in the last week. Things I should have known, but somehow am just picking up on now (hehe).

Lesson 1: It's not worth trying to shower - at all (unless Tom is home). If both kids are asleep invariably Jeff wakes up and screams and/or Erin gets up and runs into the bathroom announcing that she has to potty. If the kids are awake, Erin is no longer fully entertained by cartoons if her baby brother is lying on the floor. It's much more fun to sit on baby brother at that point.

Lesson 2: Naptime is now apparently optional, especially for Erin. I can put her in her room all sleepy and tired but not 5 minutes later I hear "Jumping on the Bed" accompanied by shrieks and giggles eminating from the room. She still doesn't seem to comprehend the "falls off and bumps his head" part of the story.

Lesson 3: Mealtime is also optional. It does not matter if I have prepared a favorite food (at least last month is was) if she doesn't want to eat, she won't. I guess she'll just have to be hungry. Jeffrey also views mealtime as optional. He would much rather look at his big sister than focus on eating with mommy.

Lesson 4: A baby brotther's squeals and giggles outweigh mommy's words. Apparently phrases such as "don't sit on your brother", "don't roll your brother over", "Be gentle with Jeffrey," "Don't Touch Jeffrey" all come across in a foreign language. The worst part of it is that Jeffrey seems to love all of this.

Lesson 5: Spit-up happens right after you change into good clothes. OK I've known this one for 4 months now, but it's continually being reinforced.

Lesson 6: I've still got a million more lessons to learn.

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