Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Intriducing the Amazing Flipping Jeffrey

Now remember, Erin didn't roll over on a regular basis until she was close to 10 months old. Well, her little brother has taken to rolling from his back to front at will. Actually, we struggle to keep him on his back these days. He's discovered that if he brings his legs into the air and lets them flop to the side, rolling is easy. So whevever and wherever I lay him on his back, he quickly flips himself over. I MUST now watch him very closely on the changing table and can't take my hands off him there any more to grab a onesie etc...

Unfortunately, he's not too adept at flipping from his tummy to his back. This is odd because he used to do it fairly often. Now when he's tired of being on his tummy (which really can take up to an hour) he just burries his face in the floor/carpet/blanket and screams. At that point someone (often Erin) provides assistance in rolling back over, although Erin is not the most gentle in her rolling.

I am truly amazed at how quickly it seems Jeffrey is growing. I just don't remember things happening this fast with Erin. He's already starting to fill up his 3-6 month outfits and may move up into the next size before too long. He also seems so much more physically advanced than Erin was at this point. I would not be surprised if he's crawling around by Thanksgiving from the way he already scoots about on his tummy.

As for Erin, she is doing well. Now refusing to poop on the potty (goes in her panties) but this past weekend she started telling me she had to poopy. Even though she couldn't let go on the potty, it was a step up from the past few weeks where there was no notice at all. The poops still ended up in her panties, but we're making progress again.

She is also singing a lot more little songs now. She will sing her ABC's (while reading her I SPY ABC book), Eensy Weensy Spider, and Twinkle Twinkle LIttle Star. In some of her counting books she actually points to things and "counts" them. Sometimes she even gets it right.

I can't believe my babies are growing sooooo fast.

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