Monday, August 01, 2005


Welcome!!! I thought this would be a nice way for me to be able to keep up with people about all the things Erin and Jeffrey are up to these days. Who knows if it will work, but the idea is for me to be able to post some pictures and let everyone know what we are doing. Like I said, who knows if it will work, but it's worth giving it a try.

Big event going on at the Wallace household right now is Erin's potty training. We've been at it for about 10 days and I'd say we're doing quite well (jinx I know). She can regularly tell me when she has to go to the potty and has not had an accident in several days (double jinx there.) We started out spending many hours on the potty each day. We'd blow bubbles, read stories, play play-doh, sing songs all kinds of things. Now we're down to quicker trips, but still often have to blow bubbles or read a story.

Jeffrey is growing like a weed. He has started sleeping through the night pretty regularly. Last night I fed him at 9:00 and he didn't wake up until 7:15. I was completely shocked. He loves to smile and coo now. He blows bubbles sometimes too. We've tried using his exersaucer a couple of times because he enjoys being upright and not so constrained around the head. He keeps that head pretty steady and when sufficiently padded with two blankets can stay comfortably in the saucer for 10 minutes or so.

Both kids are obsessed with each other right now. Erin loves to fetch Jeffrey's paci and play with his toys with him. She watches closely everytime I change him. It's very clear she is an adoring big sister. Jeffrey is also fascinated with Erin. Whenever she is within his sight his eyes follow her, not Tom or I - even if we're trying to get him to track a toy or someting. And Erin has learned how to get the biggest smiles and even some giggles out of him. It truly is amazing to watch them together.

Well, that's about it for now. I don't know how often I'll put up posts. I'll try to get something down at least once a week. Once I figure out how to insert pictures I'll do that too. Hope you enjoy hearing about our little ones.

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