Friday, August 12, 2005


Upon returning from a few days in DC yesterday Erin gave me a great laugh and I thought I'd share it with you.

We left DC about 1:00 PM - Erin's naptime. Her Oma and Uncle Jonathan gave her kisses and buckled her in. She was pretty tired and didn't put up any fuss about going home. The drive back to Charlottesville went fine - we even stopped to pee at a 7-Eleven.

When we turned into the development, Erin let out a huge scream followed by "No!! Noni-Oma, Noni-Oma, Noni-Oma!!!!" Noni-Oma is what Erin calls visiting DC. Noni (supposed to be Nana) and Oma both being there, Erin's shortened it to Noni-Oma.

Anyway it took nearly 2 1/2 hours for Erin to realize we were not going back to DC. She got very upset and began burrying her head in her hands with big sobs.

Then she took it one step further. She started hollering, "Robyn, Jeff, Robyn Jeff, Robyn, Jeff." This is her Aunt and Uncle whom we have not seen in several weeks and don't see on a regular basis. As I stopped to pick up the mail she threw a "Rylie" (her cousin) into the mix.

I calmly explained that we were going home and eventually the sobbing stopped and she calmed down. I attempted to hide my laughter during this whole episode, but it was utterly hilarious. Isn't it amazing how a child's mind works.

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