Friday, September 09, 2005

"I'm not really sure about this mom"

Well, I've been waiting to try cereal with Jeffrey and we gave it a try Tuesday night. Let me begin by stating, I think this stuff looks gross and to make it palatable for him the suggestion is to make it really runny like rice soup. We grabbed a bib and set him in the bouncy chair on the kitchen table. He didn't seem to really dislike it, but made some precious faces of indecision. He eventually got the idea that he was supposed to swallow the stuff and got about half of it down before replacing the spoon with his fingers - what I took as a sign he was done.

The biggest problem was that he wanted to "help" and pull my hand with the spoon towards his face. Sometimes we hit his mouth other times it was closer to his nose or even eye. This was compounded by the fact that he is a kicking machine when sitting in his bouncy chairs so we were aiming for a moving target. HEHE.

So we're not really sure about the cereal, but I got this other picture earlier in the afternoon. It was simply gorgeous out and we took our chairs outside to enjoy the weather. This he truly liked.

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