Now remember, Erin didn't roll over on a regular basis until she was close to 10 months old. Well, her little brother has taken to rolling from his back to front at will. Actually, we struggle to keep him on his back these days. He's discovered that if he brings his legs into the air and lets them flop to the side, rolling is easy. So whevever and wherever I lay him on his back, he quickly flips himself over. I MUST now watch him very closely on the changing table and can't take my hands off him there any more to grab a onesie etc...
Unfortunately, he's not too adept at flipping from his tummy to his back. This is odd because he used to do it fairly often. Now when he's tired of being on his tummy (which really can take up to an hour) he just burries his face in the floor/carpet/blanket and screams. At that point someone (often Erin) provides assistance in rolling back over, although Erin is not the most gentle in her rolling.
I am truly amazed at how quickly it seems Jeffrey is growing. I just don't remember things happening this fast with Erin. He's already starting to fill up his 3-6 month outfits and may move up into the next size before too long. He also seems so much more physically advanced than Erin was at this point. I would not be surprised if he's crawling around by Thanksgiving from the way he already scoots about on his tummy.
As for Erin, she is doing well. Now refusing to poop on the potty (goes in her panties) but this past weekend she started telling me she had to poopy. Even though she couldn't let go on the potty, it was a step up from the past few weeks where there was no notice at all. The poops still ended up in her panties, but we're making progress again.
She is also singing a lot more little songs now. She will sing her ABC's (while reading her I SPY ABC book), Eensy Weensy Spider, and Twinkle Twinkle LIttle Star. In some of her counting books she actually points to things and "counts" them. Sometimes she even gets it right.
I can't believe my babies are growing sooooo fast.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
My Budding artist...
Except that she has made a poor choice of medium - for example coloring on the walls in the stairwell. Very pretty - beautiful purples and reds. And impossible to clean off. I've already gone through 3 Magic Erasers and I'm only barely halfway through cleaning it off.
In the meantime, while I needed to feed Jeff, she went upstairs to her bathroom took MY stuffed animal and put it "inside" her little potty. I found her in the dark bathroom sitting on the big potty blowing bubbles for the stuffed animal. At least I had cleaned the potty after Erin's last trip.
As for Jeff, he's been very good these past days, thankfully. He's now very adept at rolling from his back to his tummy. He enjoys being on his tummy very much. He also got a Bumbo seat that allows him to sit upright, which he also enjoys but tends to spit up quite a bit because it crunches his belly a little I think. The exersaucer is also a favorite past time these days. Thank goodness he's been giving me a little break while Erin tests the limits.
OK, I must now go release said daughter from her room as she is refusing her nap and banging on the door. Sigh - she won't be 2 forever will she?
In the meantime, while I needed to feed Jeff, she went upstairs to her bathroom took MY stuffed animal and put it "inside" her little potty. I found her in the dark bathroom sitting on the big potty blowing bubbles for the stuffed animal. At least I had cleaned the potty after Erin's last trip.
As for Jeff, he's been very good these past days, thankfully. He's now very adept at rolling from his back to his tummy. He enjoys being on his tummy very much. He also got a Bumbo seat that allows him to sit upright, which he also enjoys but tends to spit up quite a bit because it crunches his belly a little I think. The exersaucer is also a favorite past time these days. Thank goodness he's been giving me a little break while Erin tests the limits.
OK, I must now go release said daughter from her room as she is refusing her nap and banging on the door. Sigh - she won't be 2 forever will she?
Friday, August 19, 2005
Cute Picture
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Look what I Found!!!
Friday, August 12, 2005
Upon returning from a few days in DC yesterday Erin gave me a great laugh and I thought I'd share it with you.
We left DC about 1:00 PM - Erin's naptime. Her Oma and Uncle Jonathan gave her kisses and buckled her in. She was pretty tired and didn't put up any fuss about going home. The drive back to Charlottesville went fine - we even stopped to pee at a 7-Eleven.
When we turned into the development, Erin let out a huge scream followed by "No!! Noni-Oma, Noni-Oma, Noni-Oma!!!!" Noni-Oma is what Erin calls visiting DC. Noni (supposed to be Nana) and Oma both being there, Erin's shortened it to Noni-Oma.
Anyway it took nearly 2 1/2 hours for Erin to realize we were not going back to DC. She got very upset and began burrying her head in her hands with big sobs.
Then she took it one step further. She started hollering, "Robyn, Jeff, Robyn Jeff, Robyn, Jeff." This is her Aunt and Uncle whom we have not seen in several weeks and don't see on a regular basis. As I stopped to pick up the mail she threw a "Rylie" (her cousin) into the mix.
I calmly explained that we were going home and eventually the sobbing stopped and she calmed down. I attempted to hide my laughter during this whole episode, but it was utterly hilarious. Isn't it amazing how a child's mind works.
We left DC about 1:00 PM - Erin's naptime. Her Oma and Uncle Jonathan gave her kisses and buckled her in. She was pretty tired and didn't put up any fuss about going home. The drive back to Charlottesville went fine - we even stopped to pee at a 7-Eleven.
When we turned into the development, Erin let out a huge scream followed by "No!! Noni-Oma, Noni-Oma, Noni-Oma!!!!" Noni-Oma is what Erin calls visiting DC. Noni (supposed to be Nana) and Oma both being there, Erin's shortened it to Noni-Oma.
Anyway it took nearly 2 1/2 hours for Erin to realize we were not going back to DC. She got very upset and began burrying her head in her hands with big sobs.
Then she took it one step further. She started hollering, "Robyn, Jeff, Robyn Jeff, Robyn, Jeff." This is her Aunt and Uncle whom we have not seen in several weeks and don't see on a regular basis. As I stopped to pick up the mail she threw a "Rylie" (her cousin) into the mix.
I calmly explained that we were going home and eventually the sobbing stopped and she calmed down. I attempted to hide my laughter during this whole episode, but it was utterly hilarious. Isn't it amazing how a child's mind works.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Returning Home
We're back after a few days in DC. Erin and Jeffrey enjoyed their time with Great-Oma and Uncle Jonathan and the little bit they got to see Nana and Grandad. Erin, as usual, spent most of her day with Great-Oma. Jeffrey alternated between hanging out with mommy or Great-Oma and even Uncle Jonathan. Uncle Jon even got his first chance to babysit when mommy, Nana and Grandad went to the Neil Diamond concert (he puts on an awesome show, by then way) Wednesday night. Uncle Jon even changed diapers, fed Jeffrey, and put on his PJs.
Erin did fairly well with the potty while we were there, had 1 successful poop in the potty, but it seems we've hit a little regression. So.... back home and we're going to delve back into training headlong. Mommy's going to try to make it fun and exciting again and we'll see if that helps minimize some of our recent accidents. My guess is that something once new, is no longer fun and new. Therefore - the M&M's and cheers, stories, bubbles etc... are all coming back out. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.
Erin did fairly well with the potty while we were there, had 1 successful poop in the potty, but it seems we've hit a little regression. So.... back home and we're going to delve back into training headlong. Mommy's going to try to make it fun and exciting again and we'll see if that helps minimize some of our recent accidents. My guess is that something once new, is no longer fun and new. Therefore - the M&M's and cheers, stories, bubbles etc... are all coming back out. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Sigh - Long Poopy Day
I am sure some day I'll look back at this and laugh, but certainly not today. . .
Well, it was a very long day yesterday. Tom is again on travel for the week and had to leave early yesterday morning. All started out fine, we even made it to church, but there, the day began to go downhill. Erin had an accident while in nursery (I guess they didn't make it to the potty in time). That's OK, new person in nuresry - easily taken care of. As soon as service ended Jeff started screaming unconsolably. It probably looked fairly humerous, me trying to peel a banana for Erin while sticking my finger in a screaming baby's mouth (as the paci came out as soon as I put it in). Eventually Erin found a friend to help her with snacks and I whisked Jeff off to give him a little snack.
With that taken care of, we headed home, with a stop at the grocery store for Diet Coke and milk which Erin had been asking for all morning. Upon arrival at home, both were asleep. Managed to move Jeff inside without waking him. Erin woke in process of getting out of car and decided her nap was over. After sharing some soup for lunch I took Jeff to feed him again and noticed a familiar odor coming from Erin.
Let me explain - Saturday she pooped in her panties. I can't call this an accident because there was no remorse or even realization that anything was wrong. She didn't tell me she was poopy, I sniffed her out. Flash forward to Sunday, same time of day, just gotten off potty - poopy panties. Interrupting Jeff from his lunch (now he's screaming again) I put Erin in tub to clean her off - she throws fit, mommy looses cool. Now all are screaming and crying. Sit Erin on potty and remind her that "poop goes in potty" while I finish feeding Jeffrey.
Finally I get Erin down for a short nap and Jeff is somewhat content in his bouncy chair. Short nap over, Erin pees on potty and we head downstairs so I can work on computer. 5 minutes later she is squatting in the old familiar position. "Erin do you have to potty," mommy asks. "No." "OK" Two minutes later it happens again and mommy it too late - poopy in panties again - back to the bathroom to clean up. Sigh.
Rest of afternoon goes fairly well. Jeff spends some time playing in his exersaucer. Erin plays in her room and successfully tells me she has to potty several times (no poops though). I even make a nice dinner, which is rare when Tom's out of town (but I had to use up some thawed chicken before we headed out of town ourselves). Erin eats good dinner, Jeff takes short nap. Jeff wakes up for his dinner. Eats well and proceeds to scream for the next two hours.
Mommy puts Finding Nemo in DVD player to entertain Erin while trying to calm Jeff down. Turn out now Erin is scared of Finding Nemo so mommy got one screaming infant and one cowering toddler - "Calgon take me away." I call my mommy to keep myself from going off the deep end. Finally decide Jeffrey does not have a fever and might be teething. He calms down a little and mommy and Erin finish watching Nemo. Upon concluding mommy says the bad word, "Bedtime".
After one more fight up the stairs followed by another trip to the potty Erin's resigned to bedtime. Of course in the middle of potty time, phone rigs and Tom wants to tell me he's safely in North Dakota (lucky him). Jeffrey (screaming again) is brought into Erin's room for story time. We make it through stories with Jeffrey screaming, commence with kissing ritual which includes kissing each atuffed animal in Erin's bed at least 3 times. Go to turn out light and put on music, Erin demands one more trip to potty (mommy thinks she just wants M&Ms now) Small success and Erin's back in bed, light out, music on. One down.
Jeffrey - still screaming finally decides maybe he's hungry. Nurses like he hasn't eaten in 5 days and finally falls asleep. At this point, mommy crawls into bed and is asleep as soon as head hits pillow.
10 hours later Jeffrey wakes up - in a slightly better mood. Erin has had several successful trips to potty this morning, but no poops. At the moment Jeffrey is napping in his bouncy chair and Erin is entertained by the Wiggles (thank god for the Disney channel). And mommy is ready to go back to bed...
Well, it was a very long day yesterday. Tom is again on travel for the week and had to leave early yesterday morning. All started out fine, we even made it to church, but there, the day began to go downhill. Erin had an accident while in nursery (I guess they didn't make it to the potty in time). That's OK, new person in nuresry - easily taken care of. As soon as service ended Jeff started screaming unconsolably. It probably looked fairly humerous, me trying to peel a banana for Erin while sticking my finger in a screaming baby's mouth (as the paci came out as soon as I put it in). Eventually Erin found a friend to help her with snacks and I whisked Jeff off to give him a little snack.
With that taken care of, we headed home, with a stop at the grocery store for Diet Coke and milk which Erin had been asking for all morning. Upon arrival at home, both were asleep. Managed to move Jeff inside without waking him. Erin woke in process of getting out of car and decided her nap was over. After sharing some soup for lunch I took Jeff to feed him again and noticed a familiar odor coming from Erin.
Let me explain - Saturday she pooped in her panties. I can't call this an accident because there was no remorse or even realization that anything was wrong. She didn't tell me she was poopy, I sniffed her out. Flash forward to Sunday, same time of day, just gotten off potty - poopy panties. Interrupting Jeff from his lunch (now he's screaming again) I put Erin in tub to clean her off - she throws fit, mommy looses cool. Now all are screaming and crying. Sit Erin on potty and remind her that "poop goes in potty" while I finish feeding Jeffrey.
Finally I get Erin down for a short nap and Jeff is somewhat content in his bouncy chair. Short nap over, Erin pees on potty and we head downstairs so I can work on computer. 5 minutes later she is squatting in the old familiar position. "Erin do you have to potty," mommy asks. "No." "OK" Two minutes later it happens again and mommy it too late - poopy in panties again - back to the bathroom to clean up. Sigh.
Rest of afternoon goes fairly well. Jeff spends some time playing in his exersaucer. Erin plays in her room and successfully tells me she has to potty several times (no poops though). I even make a nice dinner, which is rare when Tom's out of town (but I had to use up some thawed chicken before we headed out of town ourselves). Erin eats good dinner, Jeff takes short nap. Jeff wakes up for his dinner. Eats well and proceeds to scream for the next two hours.
Mommy puts Finding Nemo in DVD player to entertain Erin while trying to calm Jeff down. Turn out now Erin is scared of Finding Nemo so mommy got one screaming infant and one cowering toddler - "Calgon take me away." I call my mommy to keep myself from going off the deep end. Finally decide Jeffrey does not have a fever and might be teething. He calms down a little and mommy and Erin finish watching Nemo. Upon concluding mommy says the bad word, "Bedtime".
After one more fight up the stairs followed by another trip to the potty Erin's resigned to bedtime. Of course in the middle of potty time, phone rigs and Tom wants to tell me he's safely in North Dakota (lucky him). Jeffrey (screaming again) is brought into Erin's room for story time. We make it through stories with Jeffrey screaming, commence with kissing ritual which includes kissing each atuffed animal in Erin's bed at least 3 times. Go to turn out light and put on music, Erin demands one more trip to potty (mommy thinks she just wants M&Ms now) Small success and Erin's back in bed, light out, music on. One down.
Jeffrey - still screaming finally decides maybe he's hungry. Nurses like he hasn't eaten in 5 days and finally falls asleep. At this point, mommy crawls into bed and is asleep as soon as head hits pillow.
10 hours later Jeffrey wakes up - in a slightly better mood. Erin has had several successful trips to potty this morning, but no poops. At the moment Jeffrey is napping in his bouncy chair and Erin is entertained by the Wiggles (thank god for the Disney channel). And mommy is ready to go back to bed...
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Updated Jeffrey's Website
I have finished updating Jeffrey's website. There are about 35 pictures on it now, so you can see how much he's grown up in the past 3 months. He's doing so much and the time has just flown by. It seemed like forever before Erin was 3 months, but not Jeff. It's amazing how much he has grown. There are some pictures that have the both of the kids in it so you can see how Erin has grown too. I have her website all ready to re-post (at least I did a month ago) but don't have the space on the server right now for 2 sites, so hers will have to wait a little. She's learning to share in so many ways - lol.
I'm going to try to put some pictures of Erin here on the Blog. These are her shots of her at her finest. I hope you find them as amusing as I do.


It's a pretty good day so far, except for Erin's whining. She must have wakened up on the wrong side of the bed today because everything is said in a whiny voice - "juuuuuice mommmmmyyyy" and the ever popular "noooooooo".
Jeff's Website
I'm going to try to put some pictures of Erin here on the Blog. These are her shots of her at her finest. I hope you find them as amusing as I do.


It's a pretty good day so far, except for Erin's whining. She must have wakened up on the wrong side of the bed today because everything is said in a whiny voice - "juuuuuice mommmmmyyyy" and the ever popular "noooooooo".
Jeff's Website
Monday, August 01, 2005
Welcome!!! I thought this would be a nice way for me to be able to keep up with people about all the things Erin and Jeffrey are up to these days. Who knows if it will work, but the idea is for me to be able to post some pictures and let everyone know what we are doing. Like I said, who knows if it will work, but it's worth giving it a try.
Big event going on at the Wallace household right now is Erin's potty training. We've been at it for about 10 days and I'd say we're doing quite well (jinx I know). She can regularly tell me when she has to go to the potty and has not had an accident in several days (double jinx there.) We started out spending many hours on the potty each day. We'd blow bubbles, read stories, play play-doh, sing songs all kinds of things. Now we're down to quicker trips, but still often have to blow bubbles or read a story.
Jeffrey is growing like a weed. He has started sleeping through the night pretty regularly. Last night I fed him at 9:00 and he didn't wake up until 7:15. I was completely shocked. He loves to smile and coo now. He blows bubbles sometimes too. We've tried using his exersaucer a couple of times because he enjoys being upright and not so constrained around the head. He keeps that head pretty steady and when sufficiently padded with two blankets can stay comfortably in the saucer for 10 minutes or so.
Both kids are obsessed with each other right now. Erin loves to fetch Jeffrey's paci and play with his toys with him. She watches closely everytime I change him. It's very clear she is an adoring big sister. Jeffrey is also fascinated with Erin. Whenever she is within his sight his eyes follow her, not Tom or I - even if we're trying to get him to track a toy or someting. And Erin has learned how to get the biggest smiles and even some giggles out of him. It truly is amazing to watch them together.
Well, that's about it for now. I don't know how often I'll put up posts. I'll try to get something down at least once a week. Once I figure out how to insert pictures I'll do that too. Hope you enjoy hearing about our little ones.
Big event going on at the Wallace household right now is Erin's potty training. We've been at it for about 10 days and I'd say we're doing quite well (jinx I know). She can regularly tell me when she has to go to the potty and has not had an accident in several days (double jinx there.) We started out spending many hours on the potty each day. We'd blow bubbles, read stories, play play-doh, sing songs all kinds of things. Now we're down to quicker trips, but still often have to blow bubbles or read a story.
Jeffrey is growing like a weed. He has started sleeping through the night pretty regularly. Last night I fed him at 9:00 and he didn't wake up until 7:15. I was completely shocked. He loves to smile and coo now. He blows bubbles sometimes too. We've tried using his exersaucer a couple of times because he enjoys being upright and not so constrained around the head. He keeps that head pretty steady and when sufficiently padded with two blankets can stay comfortably in the saucer for 10 minutes or so.
Both kids are obsessed with each other right now. Erin loves to fetch Jeffrey's paci and play with his toys with him. She watches closely everytime I change him. It's very clear she is an adoring big sister. Jeffrey is also fascinated with Erin. Whenever she is within his sight his eyes follow her, not Tom or I - even if we're trying to get him to track a toy or someting. And Erin has learned how to get the biggest smiles and even some giggles out of him. It truly is amazing to watch them together.
Well, that's about it for now. I don't know how often I'll put up posts. I'll try to get something down at least once a week. Once I figure out how to insert pictures I'll do that too. Hope you enjoy hearing about our little ones.
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